Time to take the stress out of Melbourne Lockdown!

September saw Melbourne celebrating Father’s Day in lockdown! What to give your Dad or the man in your life to thank them for all of their hard work?

Does your dad [hubby, brother, grandpa, friend, uncle] have a list of approximately 50,000 things to do around the house? Installing new locks to the front or back door? Maybe he hasn’t fixed that garage door remote or another one has gone missing. Do you want to install new locks for the windows or cut new keys for the ones that you just can’t find anymore? How about getting a second key for the car before you lose the last set?

At Frontline Locksmiths we know that there is a never-ending list. Our locksmiths in Melbourne have their own long to do lists but they want to help with yours! Why not surprise someone with a super late Father’s Day present? Or just a surprise to make lockdown that little bit less stressful. Have a qualified and licensed locksmith pop around to make that list a little smaller!

We are operating under Melbourne lockdown restrictions. Our staff are observing physical distancing, increased hygiene and sanitisation and of course wearing masks.

Contact us through our booking form on our website or give us a call on 0402 254 777 for all of your locksmith services!

When you're in a jam
we are here ready to help.

For all your home, business and automotive security needs
contact the experts Frontline Locksmiths
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