While a funky new keychain might look cute, heavy car keys could cost your BIG $$$ [no exaggeration]. The house keys, car keys, remotes, trolley token, office keys, keys you don’t even know what they open – they are all extra weight!
Many people are completely unaware that their car keys could be pulling down on the ignition lock and slowing [but surely] ruining it.
Replacing most car keys is normally a quite a cost-effective solution however replacing the entire damaged ignition lock is certainly not. Sometimes it can cost more than the car itself… no thank you!
So, here is your friendly reminder to only have the ESSENTIALS on your car keys. Try to keep it to only a couple of keys. House key, office key & maybe 1 cute keychain!
If you require a spare automotive key cut for your car, email or contact our office on 0402 254 777 or use the booking form on our website
Email: admin@frontlinelocksmiths.com.au